Battling the Blurred Lines of Consent

In the era of #MeToo and Times Up, intimate situations seem to be getting much harder to navigate. More and more, stories are surfacing from women of unwanted encounters with men. But it’s not that the situations are getting more complicated, it’s that we, as a society, are finally shining a light on the waysContinue reading “Battling the Blurred Lines of Consent”

So, You’re a Virgin: Who Cares?

We were all surprised to find out that the hunky Mr. Colton Underwood from this season of The Bachelorette is a virgin. I mean, the first thought that went through my mind was, “who the heck had the restraint to keep their hands off of this guy?!” But then I realized, this kind of thinking is exactly theContinue reading “So, You’re a Virgin: Who Cares?”

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