The Bachelor Recap Week 5: Honestly, bring back Chase Rice

Hi, welcome back to Rosé Ramblings. You’re in for a treat this week, there will be episodes both Monday and Wednesday, which means recaps Tuesday and Thursday! I know this one is a little later than normal, I’m very sorry about that, I literally could not finish the episode last night because of all the drama. I had to split it into two parts so I didn’t lose all of my brain cells at once. Also, I worked at 4am this morning so, cut me some slack.

Anyway, let’s dive in because it’s a wild one.

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Me too, Mykenna.

If you recall, last week, Alayah the Great came back to clear her name and Peter asked her to stay, which was kind of rude to the women still there, but oh well, it’s his journey, he’s doing what he wants. We pick up with the women going off on Alayah before Peter finally comes in to rescue her.

Peter pulls Alayah aside and basically tells her that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks but also the other girls are mad at his decision so, she should probably leave. Oh, Peter, I am trying so hard to have faith in you, but you’re making it so hard for me.

Alayah understands and probably feels slightly relieved to get out of that crazy house. Peter walks her out and we say goodbye to Alayah for the second and hopefully, final time. Everyone else is ecstatic.

The rest of the cocktail party goes off without a hitch and Peter has some nice conversations with the rest of the women. Eventually, Chris Harrison grabs him for the rose ceremony.

Here are the women that stay:

Hannah Ann
Victoria P
Victoria F

That means we lose Savannah, Kiarra, and Deandra.

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Deandra is very confused.

After a whirlwind of a week in CLEVELAND of all places, Peter is finally taking the women international. First stop: Costa Rica. A beautiful country for shit to hit the fan. Gear up people, we’re still in hour one of three.

As the women get settled in their villa in Costa Rica, Peter comes flying in on a helicopter to greet them. Unfortunately, his pretty face has been roughed up with a massive scar on his forehead. He tells the women he was walking in the jungle and he came across a cougar?? And for a hot sec, we all believed him—don’t pretend you didn’t, hunky Pilot Pete can be a pretty good liar when he wants.

The real story is that he rammed his head into a golf cart and then subsequently into a glass he was holding, shattering said glass and also his perfect face. Oh well, scars build character, right?

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Pete, noooo!

The first date in Costa Rica goes to Sydney who gets to fly away with Peter on a helicopter to explore the beautiful island. No one is happy about this, but Kelsey is significantly more upset than the others. Remember this, it will come into play later.

Peter takes Sydney to a nice look out for some ~romantic~ alone time together. They talk about their families, their relationship, and then Peter lets slip that Sydney is the best kisser in the house. And this is what Syd does:

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Me receiving any form of compliment.

Peter, bless his heart, tells Sydney not tell anyone because he doesn’t want to piss anyone off but, babe, you do know this is televised and they’re all going to see it, right? Hopefully he picks Sydney, or future Mrs. Weber might have some issues to sort out with her hubby.

During the evening portion of their date, Sydney tells Peter she’s only seen her dad five times in her life and she recounts growing up in Alabama with a single parent being bullied in middle school and high school. Peter, heart breaking for Syd, as all of our hearts are, gives her the rose, solidifying her place in his heart and on our screens for another week.

The next day is the group date. On this date are Victoria F., Victoria P., Shiann, Natasha, Madison, Lexi, Mykenna, Tammy, Kelsey, and Hannah Ann. For this date, Peter has basically taken my dream job and my dream boss and thrown them into beautiful Costa Rica to create the most perfect date literally of all time—though, admittedly, I would rather be working the date than participating in it.

In case you’re confused, the women get to model for Cosmo magazine and its badass editor-in-chief Ms. Jessica Pels, aka the one person in the wold I would ruin my whole life for—actually, scratch that, I now know who Chase Rice is so, there are two people in the world I would ruin my life for and it is them.

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A. Queen. Among. Us.

During the date, the women model together, they model with Peter, and they compete to have a digital cover with their man Pete. First of all, in case you were unaware, these women are gorgeous. I mean just look at these photos that came out from this date.

Secondly, at the end of the date, Victoria F. is the one who gets chosen to be on a digital cover with Peter but you won’t actually find it on Cosmo‘s website. If you’re wondering why, feel free to read this letter by, once again, the baddest babe there is, Jessica Pels, about why posting the cover didn’t reflect Cosmo‘s values.

Anyway, let’s not dwell. Hopefully, you’re still engaged because we still have two more hours of this show left to recap.

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I know, let’s continue.

During the evening portion of the date, Peter has some nice conversations with the women. He and Victoria F., have a cute chat and make out sesh. Then Hannah Ann and him talk—side note, I love Hannah Ann. She’s so sweet and infinitely more mature than half the women on this show and she’s only 23. You go, babe.

Then he and Kelsey talk and she tells him that she is falling in love with him. It seems like all is well and good and the drama might finally be behind us but NOPE! Tammy (NO TAMMY!!) decides that Kelsey is kind of sketchy and she needs to voice her concerns to Peter.

Tammy! We loved you! We still do, but don’t get involved!!!

So, Tam tells Pete that Kels is bad news and ofc, Peter goes and grabs Kelsey to talk to her about this. Kelsey is devastated that her character would come into question and immediately starts crying again. I truly do hope Kelsey is okay, she cries quite a lot. But she also is probably just more emotionally vulnerable than me and hence why she is falling in love on TV and I am sitting in my pajamas at 3pm on a Tuesday.

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Remember when I said that Kelsey being super upset about not getting a one-on-one would come into play later on? Yeah, we have arrived at later on. Kelsey comes back guns-a-blazing, pissed about whoever said she was emotionally unstable. All of the other women are like, “well you basically cried all day yesterday because he took Sydney on the date and we had to endure it and none of us have even had a date with him yet, so.”

And Kelsey is all defensive about why she cries so much. Blah blah blah, 30 minutes later and we haven’t made any headway. Tammy is pissed at Kelsey, Kelsey is still crying and upset, the rest of the women are pretty much over it all. At the end of the date, Peter gives the group rose to Hannah Ann because she is one of the few women not even remotely involved in drama, although, never forget #ChampagneGate.

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The next day is Kelley’s one-on-one. Kelley is hands-down the most normal person on this show. She literally says, “I know he checks a lot of boxes but I need to figure out if I’m into it,” which is genius because I think people forget that sure, Peter is trying to find a woman who checks all of his boxes but that doesn’t mean he automatically checks all of theirs. We love you, Kelley.

Peter is a little nervous for this date because he thinks Kelley is being reserved through this whole process, like dating a guy on national TV with 30 other women doesn’t make you want to crawl in a hole and hide forever.

For their date, Peter and Kelley go to a shaman in the forest of Costa Rica and have a spiritual cleansing, write letters to each other, and burn candles to see if they are on the same life path or not. It’s definitely a lot more involved than how I have described it but that’s all I got for now.

Ultimately, the date doesn’t go great. There’s a pendulum at one point that says Peter and Kelley aren’t on the same page in life. The candles they burn indicate that Peter is leaning in towards Kelley but Kelley is very much leaning away from Peter. And at one point, as Peter is reading his little love letter to Kelley, she gets distracted by a lizard behind him, which is just kind of hilarious.

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We don’t know, Kelley.

By the evening portion of the date, Peter definitely has some worries and he doesn’t waste any time bringing them up to Kelley. Kelley, to her credit, doesn’t deny any of what Peter says. She explains to him how unnatural this process is and how it’s her instinct to retreat into her corner but she’s working on not doing that and giving Peter her all.

In the end, after a normal and healthy conversation where they discuss their relationship like adults and come to the conclusion that loving someone means loving the good and the bad that comes with them (aka a normal relationship), Peter gives Kelley the rose. They make out in a pool for a while and then the date ends.

The next day is the cocktail party and rose ceremony, but before that can happen, Kelsey has decided she has to go talk to Peter beforehand and clear up some things that have been said about her.

She tells Peter about the drinking and apparently pill popping rumor that’s going around and that she’s just very emotional because of how strongly she feels for Peter. Eventually, she brings up Tammy. This is ironic because she has continuously said she doesn’t spend her time with Peter talking about other women and yet, here she is doing just that.

The conversation ends with Peter reassuring Kelsey of his feelings for her and telling her not to be swayed or pressured by the other women in the house, though, that’s easy for you to say, Pete. Girls can be vicious. Oh, he also gives her a rose which is super awkward because now she has to go back to the house with it and explain how she got it.

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At the cocktail party, Chris Harrison comes in to tell the ladies that there won’t actually be any chatting time with Peter. He knows what he wants to do and he doesn’t need to talk to the women to decide.

Everyone starts freaking out and blaming Kelsey, who, to her credit, does apologize profusely for having any part in canceling the cocktail party. Then Tammy/Sydney/Kelsey/Mykenna go OFF!

Mykenna starts crying because she’s so frustrated she won’t have any time with Peter. Tammy asks Kelsey what specifically she said to Peter about her. Sydney attacks Tammy about saying Kelsey is an alcoholic and pill popper then denies ever talking about other woman to Peter even though the Alayah drama is still fresh in all of our minds—and we all know who orchestrated that.

In the end, after lots of screaming and yelling and women attacking each other—which we do not stan, we need to be EMPOWERING each other ladies—we head into the rose ceremony.

Peter comes in and gives a nice little speech but before he can launch into handing out roses, Tammy asks if she can speak to him. Uh oh, Tammy, this isn’t doing you any favors.

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So, Tammy pulls Peter aside to ask him if Kelsey was talking to him about her. We don’t really get to see a lot of this conversation. Instead, we go back to the women where Mykenna is panicking because she hasn’t had any time with Peter. So, Mykenna goes and steals Peter away from Tammy, effectively turning this into a mini cocktail party.

When she gets back, all the women are upset. “Are you mad at me?” she asks Lexi. Lexi is like, duh I’m mad! Mykenna just shakes it off saying she needed her time as if they all didn’t need that time.

But Peter returns to hand out his roses and we have no idea if those two conversations really even did anything. The women who stay are:

Hannah Ann
Victoria F
Victoria P

That means we say goodbye to Shiann and LEXI NOOOOOOO! I’m depressed, I liked Lexi a lot. I thought she was going to win. The saddest part of the whole episode is when Lexi is saying goodbye to the Victorias and Sydney and they are all sobbing and she says, “you guys, stop, you’re going to make me cry.”

I mean, MY HEART!! This just goes to show that female friendships are incredible and should be treasured and cherished and oh boy, how I would love if instead of fighting each other for this one man, all the women banded together as bffs and lived their days as one big powerful girl gang.

But alas, this is not how the show works. So, we move on.

There will, in fact, be another episode on tomorrow night, which means another recap Thursday, hopefully earlier than this one. We’ll see.

Thanks for tuning in, love you all, see you soon.

The Bachelor GIF

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